What Kind of Smile Restoration Do You Need?

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If you are looking to upgrade or enhance the look and feel of your teeth, a dental restoration could do wonders for your smile. Whether you are looking to improve the look of your natural teeth or conceal them for a better smile all together, there are many therapies that can assist you. What kind of smile restoration do you need? Here are some wonderful choices to consider:

– Dental crowns are used to cap or conceal problematic teeth that may have an aesthetic flaw or are in need of serious protection. In some cases, a tooth may be so badly damaged that a dental crown is one of the only treatments that can be used to save it from a necessary extraction.

– Dental fillings are considered the premier service from busting cavities and saving your teeth from total decay. Not only can fillings stop cavities from getting worse, they can also prevent new cavities from forming.

– Have you ever been jealous of a celebrity smile that just seems too good to be true and wish you had the same? Many celebrities actually have dental veneers, which you too can have. Dental veneers are small shells placed over the fronts of your teeth for a flawless look that is sure to please.

– If you love your smile, but just wish it was whiter or brighter, than a professional tooth whitener may be just what you need. Tooth whiteners given directly by dentists can drastically improve the color of your smile in a single visit. They work because they can dive deep within teeth to remove deep stains and discolorations.

Always make time in your life to visit your dentist at Steven P. Walker, DDS for a bi-annual professional cleaning, and if necessary, book an appointment with Dr. Steven Walker for a detailed exam of your oral health to determine if a tooth restoration service is required. You can reach our dentist office in Chesterton, Indiana, by calling us at 219-926-4321. We look forward to upgrading your smile!